Nirav Parmar - Profile Picture

Nirav Parmar

🚀 Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer | AI Engineer 🤖 | Learning new skill every month 🏆

Hello! I'm Nirav Parmar, a Software Engineer with 5+ years of experience in various industries. My passion lies in crafting highly available and scalable web applications and machine learning models, addressing the inherent challenges with innovative solutions.


Some of the skills that I have acquired during my degree and some of are self-learned.

Tools | Services

12% Complete
12% Complete
12% Complete
12% Complete
12% Complete
12% Complete
12% Complete
12% Complete
Git Netlify Heroku Trello Slack VSCode WebStorm LucidChart

Programming Languages | Frameworks

34% Complete
30% Complete
26% Complete
C++ Python | Flask JavaScript | ES6 HTML5 | CSS3 ReactJS NodeJS ExpressJS MaterialUI Solidity


30% Complete
26% Complete
15% Complete
MySQL SQLite MongoDB Firebase GraphQL

Graphic Designing | UI

30% Complete
26% Complete
20% Complete
Adobe Photoshop Figma Adobe After Effects InvisionApp AdobeXD

AWS Services

20% Complete
15% Complete
15% Complete
15% Complete
15% Complete
S3 Lambda API Gateway EC2 RDS Route53


I've always wondered about how computers work, and pursuing specialization is a step towards satisfying my curiosity.

Institute: George Brown College, Toronto, Canada

Year: September 2022 - August 2023

Awards: Dean's List 2023

GPA: 3.58/4.0

Institute: Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, India

Year: August 2015 - June 2019

Awards: First Class with Honours

CGPA: 8.08/10.00

Positions of Responsibility | Experience | London, UK

  • Optimized backend response times by 25%, achieved 99.9% uptime through microservices architecture (Flask, Lambda, MongoDB).
  • Integrated Keycloak and RESTful APIs, reducing user authentication time by 30% and improving system efficiency.
  • Spearheaded a cost-saving initiative resulting in a 70% reduction in server costs by using AWS Lambda, S3, RDS, CodePipeline, and SageMaker.
  • Provided comprehensive end-to-end software engineering support, ensuring the seamless build and deployment of's platform, contributing to its overall success and reliability.
  • Engineered the backend for from the ground up, utilizing a microservices architecture to enhance efficiency and scalability, resulting in a more flexible and adaptable system.

Thermelgy | Chennai, India

  • Increased web application responsiveness by 40% through optimization techniques, leading to a better user experience.
  • Enhanced client satisfaction by 15% through Firebase-based mobile notifications for real-time updates.
  • Improved big data processes with Kafka, increasing efficiency by 50% in scraping, storage, and retrieval.
  • Played a key role in contributing to all stages of the development life cycle, resulting in a 10% reduction in time-to-market for new features and improvements.
  • Enhanced data retrieval efficiency by 25% through the strategic use of MongoDB, while integrating Kafka for continuous data gathering from IoT devices.

ICSR, IIT Madras | Chennai, India

  • Achieved a 99% accuracy rate in AI-based prediction mechanisms, improving energy audit efficiency.
  • Reduced human effort by 75% through automation of the energy audit process.
  • Enhanced data gathering and storage efficiency by implementing MongoDB, resulting in a 30% reduction in data retrieval times.
  • Implemented cron jobs for data backup and report generation, reducing manual workload by 80% and ensuring timely and accurate data availability.
  • Elevated machine learning model performance by 25%, improving data analysis accuracy.
  • Achieved 15% monthly performance enhancement in AI platform for energy audits with continuous data integration.

Bot2Do Technologies, Chennai, India

  • Improved code quality and structure in enterprise web applications, resulting in a 60% increase in overall cross-browser application stability.
  • Reduced system errors by 17%, enhanced overall stability, and validated 95% of user inputs, ensuring heightened data integrity and security.
  • Conducted in-depth research resulting in a 20% increase in system efficiency. Successfully validated 95% of user inputs before back-end submission, ensuring heightened data integrity and security.
  • Led end-to-end development of $5 million enterprise projects, achieving 95% adherence to quality standards, on-time delivery, and high client satisfaction.